Mental Fitness Tip Eighteen

Oct 1, 2021 | Blog, Mental Fitness Tips



On a scale between 1 and 10, (where 1-2 = help…I need some support and 9-10 = I’m doing amazing), how are you doing?


If you are between 1 and 5:

What would move you up a number or two?

What has helped you to cope and get through these tougher times in the past?

When things are going better, what might you notice is different?


If you are between 6 and 10:

What is helping you to be here?

What can you do more of to stay here or move up a number or two?

What does being at this number tell you that you need?


Do this as many times as you need to, whenever you need to!

Taking the time to check in with ourselves can be just as important as taking the time to check in with others. The self-knowledge and awareness that comes from doing this regularly is another simple way we can keep on top of our wellbeing and work to maintain our mental fitness.


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